Invitation to Participate in the Tanzanian Men’s Day on 23rd April 2025

Every year on the *23rd of April*, Tanzanians come together to celebrate Tanzanian Men’s Day. This day aims at raising awareness and advocating for men’s rights as well as making them take their responsibility as Tanzanian men. 

The event is organized by the *Community Development Association* (CDA: and the *Affirmative action on Gender Equality Network* (AGEN:, with significant support from *Sokoine University of Agriculture* (SUA: 

We would like to invite *collaborations* from Gender-Aware Organizations, community-Based Organizations, the Media, and other like-minded individuals who are interested in supporting this event and contributing to its success.

If you would like to express your interest, whether as an organization or an individual, please reach out to the contacts provided below:


1. Mariam Yahaya Msigala (Event Director) at +255617735221

2. Aisha Mohamed Kikala (Deputy Event Director) at +255656782627

3. George Elisha (Event Alumni Coordinator) at +255616549017

4. Prof. R. Madaha (Chaplain) via and

The pioneers of the Tanzanian Men’s Day were students from the *Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development* (DAECD: at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Affirmative action on Gender Equality Network (AGEN) members of NGOs, and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in Morogoro. The event has been rebranded to become a national event attracting interest from across the world 🌎🌍.

Event Organizing Secretariat